csa bouquet subscriptions exclusively through ohio city farm available now for 2025!
Please note that the above video was made for the 2022 season and some pricing and date information has changed.
Refer to the details below for most up to date information. Thank you!
The CSA, Community. Supported. Agriculture.
Bouquets of seasonal, local flowers and foliage available for weekly pick up at Ohio City Farm.
More about the CSA Bouquet Subscription…
In the depths of winter, seed catalogs are poured through and treasured heirloom varieties that were gathered at the farm are organized. Inspired color palettes and wild design are at the forefront as the crop plan is set in motion for the coming year.
As the ground starts to thaw and tree buds emerge, tens of thousands of seedlings are sown and planted into carefully stewarded soil. Sun up to sun down the land is tended to, young plants coaxed and magic happens.
By summer, stems have grown tall and branching, a cascade of blooms are revealed. The best of the crop are hand harvested each week, arranged and wrapped in compostable kraft paper for you!
Visit beloved Ohio City Farm to receive your bouquet, a true moment in time, captured in flowers.
Unwrap and enjoy at home, or share with a loved one. Certificates are available for your gifting needs.
Bouquets change with the season and include a wide range of blooms and foliage. From botanicals like calendula, yarrow and echinacea to foraged willow, wildflowers, specialty annuals of dahlias, zinnias, celosia, amaranth and much more. All flowers are grown at the farm with supplemental blooms from The Collab, a collective of local flower farmers.
As a CSA member you will also receive a weekly newsletter detailing the contents of your bouquet and a behind the scenes look at farm operations. You will also have access to exclusive discounts to frayed knot workshops and merchandise.
pick up location
We partner with Ohio City Farm for Friday or Saturday pick up in Ohio City.
To see more details and purchase a flower share through Ohio City Farm, click below.
details about signing up
You will be automatically added to the newsletter after sign up to get all the updates about the farm throughout the winter and logistical details closer to pick up. If you're purchasing as a gift, you will be sent a pdf gift certificate for your use within 3 days of purchase. Your gift recipient will also be added to the newsletter and communication database after receiving their gift.
Have additional questions? Please contact here.